My mind constantly catches itself entangled in various thoughts, leading to frequent distractions. My thoughts whirl around like a tornado, often appearing out of control, beyond my reach. However, in reality, many things are within grasp. Sometimes, I believe I just need to pause, lie down, and allow my brain to enter a catatonic state, much like Nao.
As I lie on my bed, eyes closed and heart open to the world, I find myself pondering the future. I question why things happen the way they do and often find no answers. I would be misleading if I claimed to understand every step of the journey that unfolds, but somehow, things have always worked out in the past.
It would be equally inaccurate to predict a smooth journey in the future or even the present, based on past success. Yet, I find myself in a better situation now than I was before. Despite the complexities of life, I see no reason to believe that the issues I face are unfixable.
Striving forward seems necessary, even when it feels peculiar. As I rest my weary body, I realize that life is like a Newton’s cradle, a constant state of motion and rest. This cycle repeats until one day, everything comes to an end. The inevitable entropy of the universe expresses itself through the cessation of my bodily functions. This mystifying end remains beyond my comprehension, except through literature, art, and history, which paint a tantalizing image in my imagination.
As I gaze at the screen that has been my silent confidant, I am pleasantly surprised. The screen effortlessly transcribes the words I’ve been uttering for the past few minutes, revealing that technology is progressing at a speed I hadn’t anticipated. My vision of a time when we could converse with our devices seems to be materializing. These devices are beginning to power our lives in ways currently beyond our comprehension.
I have no concept of what the future holds, nor any predictions. How could I possibly foresee what’s to come when things are moving as rapidly as my thoughts? The reality we’re transitioning into is something I could not have fathomed just a year or two ago. There are countless things to look forward to, endless unique possibilities, some of which I hope for, others I find unlikely or impractical. Yet, everything seems inevitable as we move forward, and the intricate pieces of a grand puzzle, too vast for our full appreciation, begin to fall into place