The Future of Writing: How Automated Speech Recognition Will Transform Your Writing

In the modern world, creating documents is a fundamental part of almost every profession, and they are key to a variety of tasks: communicating ideas, formalizing agreements, sharing information, reporting progress, instructing, or preserving records.

Whether you’re working in business, education, healthcare, law, or creative fields, the need to produce written content is pretty much everywhere — whether you’re creating a PowerPoint deck, writing a report, or crafting a script either for a YouTube video or for an episode of a TV show, you’ll definitely have to sit down and begin writing to bring out your ideas.

But as you may know, writing isn’t always easy.

In fact, it can be tedious and painstaking, imposing challenges upon your body that are difficult to deal with, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and the stresses of sitting down for long periods of time.

Thankfully, it’s a challenge that has a solution: Automated Speech Recognition (ASR).

ASR is a technology that historically hasn’t been the best at reporting down what people say, but it has remarkably improved although the best of it is something that still evades the modern and widely available voice assistants on iPhones and Android phones.

However, nowadays apps like Wispr Flow and also MacWhisper work effectively and allow dramatically more accurate and longer transcriptions that serve niches such as creating subtitles, as can the ChatGPT app on your phone along the way, which you can download on iOS or Android, Which allows you to use your voice to interact with your devices in ways that have historically not been possible and that also transform the way that we use our technology and therefore interact with the world.

Let’s dive into why.

While some of you already know that I started using Wispr Flow recently, I’ve actually been using a range of different transcription tools as part of the suite of different apps that make life simple and useful on a day-to-day basis.

In this article, I’ll talk about some of the advantages that I’ve seen from using Wispr Flow and also from ASR technology in general, and hopefully these will help you understand how it is that using these tools can be beneficial for you in writing and creating, transform your productivity and give your work a new edge, and maybe also add a bit of a twist onto your creative process. Ready for the ride? Let’s go!

1. Speed: Get Your Ideas Down in Record Time

Typing has long been the standard for writing, but let’s face it — typing speed can be a bottleneck, especially when you’re trying to keep up with a fast-moving train of thought. With automated speech recognition, the speed at which you can create content is no longer limited by your typing skills.

You can speak several times faster than you type, allowing you to capture ideas as they come, with no slowdown.

If you are able to speak out your ideas with the same level of quality as what you get when you are typing them out manually, you would theoretically be able to work much faster, create much more content, and just generally move onward with much greater speed compared to others around you!

Wispr Flow’s advanced speech recognition capabilities can transcribe your voice into text almost instantly, enabling you to turn even long-winded brainstorms into text documents quickly and easily.

This speed translates into more productivity and less time spent staring at a blank screen.

Of course, speaking is not exactly the same as typing because with typing you do look at a screen, think about the words that you’re going to say and then type them down one after another. That’s materially different compared to what you have with speaking, and it does recruit a slightly different network.

Typing does recruit a more slow and deliberate method of thinking that can result in slightly different documents, partly because the way that typing works is that you look at what you’ve written and then you look back and think about the new possibilities, while for speaking, you are very much just coming up with ideas on the fly as you think about the things that you had said before.

Some may argue that this leads to less detailed writing than what you’d have if you were simply to just type or handwrite but…

2. Natural Writing Style: Let Your Authentic Voice Shine Through

When you type, your writing can sometimes feel forced or overly formal, as you tend to follow traditional writing structures.

However, when you speak, your language often flows more naturally, mimicking the way you would actually converse with someone.

It’s no surprise that teachers of writing, including myself, encourage people to learn how to write the way that they speak to people — with an eye towards engaging the person who’s on the other side and towards thinking about the experience that they must be having while listening to our words.

ASR allows us to bring the modality of voice into the world of text, which effectively helps us to follow that advice naturally, and can translate into a more engaging and conversational writing style which resonates better with readers.

Using Wispr Flow for voice-based writing encourages you to embrace your authentic voice and craft content that feels less stiff and more relatable. It’s a way of letting your personality shine through, giving your writing a touch of humanity and connection.

Having said that, I do acknowledge that not everybody is a master of speaking. That leads me directly to the next point.

3. Practice of Public Speaking: Sharpen Your Verbal Communication Skills

Using voice technology to write doesn’t just help with document creation — it also helps you become a better speaker.

When you dictate your thoughts, you’re practicing the art of spoken communication, which is a valuable skill in its own right.

Speaking your ideas aloud helps you refine your verbal expression, giving you a chance to practice public speaking without even realizing it.

Real-time transcription capabilities mean that you can listen back and see how your spoken words translate into written form, making it a powerful tool for improving your clarity and persuasiveness in everyday conversations and professional settings, and a tool that is definitely useful beyond just document creation but also extends into learning how to engage with people and to persuade, inform and entertain with our voices as practiced in a unique modality that promises to improve the way that we speak, present and articulate ourselves whether at home and on our laptops or in front of an audience.

Beyond the consideration of strain, it’s also worthwhile to note that ASR helps us to…

4. Minimize Strain, Maximize Comfort

Speaking, unlike typing doesn’t put any strain on your hands and wrists.

You might not have thought that this was important at the outset, but the reality is that writing can be a physically demanding task, especially if you spend hours on a keyboard. It can lead to wrist, neck, and back strain, making it challenging to stay comfortable while working. Also, if you have carpal tunnel syndrome or pinched nerves, using a keyboard for long periods of time can be painful.

I know that that’s definitely what I personally experienced while I was using a keyboard very extensively and trying to type along the way. I would often find myself with wrist pain as a result of typing and would have to stop after a while.

Automated speech recognition (ASR) helps to resolve these problems, because…

  • Being able to articulate things very quickly means that you will spend less time on a computer overall, and as a result would spend less time than you would otherwise spend typing.
  • You would be able to eliminate almost all the stress that you normally sustain while typing because the only thing that you would need to do on Wispr Flow is just press a single button and then begin speaking along the way. Sure, you might need to drink a little bit more water along the way, but that’s always good. And all the other advantages that I mentioned also apply as well.
  • You can compose your content while sitting, standing, or even walking, freeing you from the constraints of the traditional workstation setup. It’s worthwhile to note that sitting down itself is an aspect of work life that poses unique new challenges in the workforce. Simply put, it’s not great for you. It’s even what some might call a generational challenge that is associated with the modern day paradigm of work and the development of the computer as a key device in creating, developing, and executing our work (I might talk more about this in the course of future LinkedIn posts!)

This ergonomic benefit makes voice writing an excellent option for anyone who spends a lot of time writing and wants to protect their long-term health and well-being.


Automated speech recognition has many core advantages which I’ve deeply enjoyed and am proud to share. I hope that you’ve enjoyed thinking about some of them.

Let’s recap:

ASR is a technology that historically hasn’t been the best at reporting down what people say, but it has remarkably improved although the best of it is something that still evades the modern and widely available voice assistants on iPhones and Android phones.

However, on apps such as Wispr Flow, ChatGPT, and MacWhisper, the technology has matured to the point where it can help you get your ideas down in record time, it lets your authentic voice shine through, it helps you sharpen your verbal communication skills and practice public speaking, it helps minimize strain and maximize comfort as a result of the better ergonomics allowing you to work for longer in a fashion that is better for your body and that ultimately allows you to get things done more quickly, more efficiently, with less strain and in a way that teaches you crucial skills of interacting verbally and composing along the way.

I strongly think of ASR as a tool that will fundamentally change the way that we interact with technology and reshape the paradigm that we use nowadays for creating documents, projects, and ideas along the way, helping us create documents faster and more comfortably while also sharpening your public speaking skills and enabling a more natural writing style.

If you’re ready to take your writing to the next level and experience the benefits of using your voice for document creation, give Wispr Flow a try, and potentially MacWhisper as well, as you enjoy the transformation of our world through the development of this new technology and look forward to everything that there is to come that will improve the efficiency of our work and lives while at the same time freeing us up towards greater and more ambitious projects.

Affiliate disclosure: I have a financial relationship with both Wispr Flow and MacWhisper. They are incredible technologies that I completely believe in. If you happen to use the links here, I may receive a small commission that helps support my work. Thank you in advance if you choose to use these links! Hope you will enjoy using these new technologies; they are quite the ride!

Wispr Flow: The Future of Voice-Activated AI Transcription

In the past couple of decades of human history, I can remember the seminal inventions that shaped our human existence so profoundly that somehow or another, whether we realized it or not, our lives had changed.

Of these inventions, the most immediate that I can point to is Google, the search engine that made it so we could see the entire world. Beyond that, I’d say Facebook, the social media app that connected the world in a strange technological network. 

The next one of these and probably freshest in people’s memories is ChatGPT, the tool that showed us the power and usefulness of generative AI, highlighting for us both the revolution of this new technology and also heightening our fears that one day robots would take over all of us.

Well, I firmly believe that the next one is here, and its name is Wispr Flow.

Download it here! 

(Unfortunately, it’s Mac Silicon only at the moment. Sorry if you’re out there using Windows, guys.)

But what exactly is Wispr, and why are you asking me to download this? 

Well, I’m glad you asked.

What is Wispr?

Wispr is an AI transcription software, but it is not just any transcription software.

It’s a transcription software that activates at the touch of a button. 

You can use it in any text field and begin transcribing what you are saying by nothing more than a touch of a button and then speaking into your microphone, which ends up creating transcriptions like this, and even intelligently paragraph what you are saying while at the same time minimizing redundancy by fixing mistakes for you on the fly, based on your writing style, yielding transcriptions like this.

What does it cost?

The software itself is free to use for up to 2,000 words in the course of a single week if you choose to use the Flow Basic plan. 

On the other hand, if you use Flow Pro, which most of you probably will. that’s going to cost $12 a month and it’s going to get you unlimited words and access to a couple of cool features such as:

1. Command Mode: This mode allows you to use ChatGPT in any text field to edit and format text. It also enables you to utilize the AI’s capabilities to generate output and edit text with ease.

2. Perplexity integration: This feature is an additional component of the AI’s capabilities, which can be utilized in conjunction with Command Mode. It can be used to further enhance the output and editing capabilities of the AI.

I will cover these in more posts at a later point. Let’s get into the meat of things and talk about the killer feature here: seamless voice transcription!

How does it work?

Activating Flow is literally just the touch of a button that results in the entire transcription process beginning, processing, and eventually concluding within no more than a few seconds.

In this small example, I’m just using the Option key as a customized hotkey.

Whenever I want to activate Flow, I press the Option button twice, and then begin speaking on my computer, then this guy pops out.

Immediately, within just a couple of seconds, an entirely formatted paragraph comes out.

Pretty cool, isn’t it?

But doesn’t ChatGPT allow you to do the same thing?

Some of you might very well say, doesn’t ChatGPT allow you to do the exact same thing anyway? 

Moreover, isn’t it true that you also don’t have to pay?

You’re absolutely right. You can definitely do Whisper transcription inside ChatGPT just by tapping the little button to the right of your text box in the ChatGPT app. 

The button is highlighted Yellow above.

It’s very quick, very efficient, and it allows you to capitalize on the massive speed advantages that voice typing allows you to obtain.

However, it is still slower than Wispr Flow.

Let’s do a bit of a comparison then.

Wispr Flow vs ChatGPT for Transcriptions

Let’s consider this in terms of what actually needs to happen in order for you to use each of these different transcription methods. And let’s begin with ChatGPT.

ChatGPT voice transcription process

First, consider that you need to actually open ChatGPT in order to begin the transcription process.

This means that you need to switch tabs away from what you were actually doing, access ChatGPT, and then only begin this process, and it means you have to move away from the context to forget what you are saying and to start afresh or new and maybe even rearrange windows so that you can see what you’re looking at in order to begin the process of transcribing.

Here’s a look at ChatGPT being used to transcribe and create a message for sending.

As you can see, there were at least 8 steps in this process to get to the pasting stage and before sending, even though there are 5 images. To summarize…

Here is the ChatGPT process:

  1. I had to open up ChatGPT
  2. Then I had to push the record button
  3. I had to speak
  4. I had to copy the output
  5. I moved to the next app, WhatsApp.
  6. I tapped it.
  7. I tapped the text box where I was supposed to send what I wanted to send. 
  8. I pasted it.

Compare this to Wispr Flow, where the process is much simpler:

1. I tapped the text box.

2. I tapped a key on my keyboard.

3. I spoke.

4. I saw that the output was complete and also formatted.

What does this mean?

As you can see, ChatGPT takes a minimum of 8 steps in order to get the same message out, while Wispr Flow takes only 4 and it even formats the output so that things such as lists, paragraphs, and other kinds of formatting are taken care of, while ChatGPT will not do that.

Let’s also remember that for Wispr Flow, all transcription takes place within the same context window, so you can refer to everything that was said before as you decide on what you’re going to say.

For ChatGPT, you have to open up multiple devices and then try to decide on what you’re going to say by memory and may very well lose the plot unless you’re constantly referring back to what it is that you are referencing before eventually going back to ChatGPT, whereas if you’re using Wispr Flow, you can just read what you’ve already written in order to decide what it is that you’re going to say next.

Put simply, ChatGPT is great at cutting down on typing time, but it is still much more inefficient compared to Wispr Flow.

To summarize:

Wispr Flow takes forward the culture of efficient and highly accurate voice transcription that was set forth by OpenAI’s Wispr algorithm and it improves upon it in every way.

It is quick, it is fast and works with the touch of a button, and it is the most seamless transcription experience I have ever had in my entire life; while ChatGPT may have saved a good chunk of time, Wispr Flow can help you save hours upon hours of editing and publishing work more, while at the same time cutting down on the transaction costs that take place whenever you switch between windows.

It cuts away every single bit of the fat and the adjustment processes associated with creating a text and having your voice translate itself into a text into, and that’s not even considering the way that it is constantlyaccurately spacing your words, minimizing edits, and even learning the way that you write so that you can create more efficient transcripts and also articles and publications along the way.

Installing Wispr Flow is simple: just go over to this link, click download on the upper right corner, and you’re on your way to ensuring that you can access one of the most incredible pieces of software in the entire world.

To conclude:

I’ll start off with an admission.

Every single part of this piece has been written with Wispr Flow by me just sitting down and writing everything into this document with nothing more than just a bit of conversation on my part with the device straight away, ensuring that my thoughts can be translated into the document. 

It is deeply incredible and something that I have never imagined being able to do, and I truly believe that Wispr Flow is the service that will create the next vanguard for new interactivity with the computer. 

I don’t think that Wispr Flow is going to entirely kill the keyboard for a variety of reasons. 

Namely, for example, in a modern office environment (though without prejudice to the possibility that other kinds of office environments may evolve in the future where this point is not a concern), people can’t very well be talking to themselves constantly because that’s going to end up disrupting people, as well as the keyboard’s ability to adapt to different typing styles, its advanced macro capabilities, and its compatibility with various keyboard layouts; also, things like gaming and other applications may still recruit the capabilities of the keyboard along the way, and human society may end up adapting brand new technologies that may be more usable with keyboards than just the modality of voice interaction.

Still though…

For me, Wispr Flow is quite possibly the single most efficiency-raising software development that I have ever encountered.

I consider it a godsend for me and for anyone else out there who has carpal tunnel syndrome and faceless difficulty as a result of carpal tunnel and hours spent moving fingers one after another, opening up a route not only for navigating computers and the human-computer interactions that we take part in in a more healthful, ergonomic, and ultimately beneficial way that helps to reduce the strain that we place upon the human body.

A side benefit? 

Wispr Flow and other forms of automated speech recognition (ASR) algorithms have allowed me to constantly practice my ability to articulate my thoughts and ideas in the realm of the spoken word; I consider it valuable for those of us out there who need to make ourselves heard by speaking, interacting, and articulating themselves to audiences — not only of readers but also to those who will eventually end up experiencing our presence in conversations or in auditoriums during the odd moments when we have to give speeches, and I am sure that it will be the same for many people out there as well.

I’d like to reiterate what I said at the start of this piece about seminal inventions. 

These were inventions that were incredible and that fundamentally shaped the way that we existed, interacted, or connected with one another. 

After having written this piece, I am all the more convinced. The ease at which my ideas came out, the speed at which it took place, the lack of focus on the mechanical aspects of what would otherwise be an arduous process predicated upon my manually looking for errors along the way has been transformed into a process that has allowed me to use my mind rather than deal with the intricacies of ensuring the physical accuracy of every single thing along the way. 

In short, the entire paradigm of interaction and creation has for me transformed. 

As I move forward to posting this, I will observe that it was the easiest blog post that I have ever written in my entire life, requiring no more than the 10 mouse clicks to copy, paste, and upload it along the way. 

I truly cannot recall a more transformative technology throughout the course of my life and give my profound congratulations to the Wispr Flow team, including Tanay and also Sahaj, for having brought this incredible piece of work together. You have personally transformed my life, and I am confident that millions of people await this journey of transformation as well. My heartiest congratulations to all of you for this world-shaking achievement, and I look forward to seeing your names further up in lights in the future!

  • V.

Meeting Tun Dr Mahathir

Today I had a conversation with Tun Dr Mahathir. 

This is the kind of conversation that a person doesn’t normally have. I don’t expect that many people will have it or many people would have had it.

Given everything that has happened so far, it’s far from clear that many other people will be able to have it, and so I know that it is a rare and wonderful privilege. 

I remember clearly all the things that happened. I showed up in a GrabCar to the Perdana Leadership Foundation, ten minutes before our 9:30 appointment. 

Walking in to the picturesque building, there I saw our very first national car in blue – the Saga, brought forth from one of Tun Mahathir’s pet projects. 

As I looked around, I saw that the place was grand – the paintings of prime ministers depicting Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Mahathir, and Tun Abdullah – the gallery – the chandeliers and carpeted floors broken only by gorgeous wooden balustrades that led a curved staircase up into an open space.

I stood there spellbound – I had not expected a place of such beauty. 

As I looked around, I realized that I had arrived early and it was not time for my appointment yet. But before long, my contact Adam called – and so with bated breath, I walked into the room where I would meet Tun Dr. Mahathir. 

In the morning, I had watched Khairy Jamaluddin and Shahril Hamdan’s interview of Tun Mahathir on 2X, paying attention to the questions that he had asked and all of the things along the way, which was also interesting because incidentally I’d also met both of them just the other day at a book launch featuring Kishore Mahbubani – How strange fate is and how the world seems to connect everybody in short order. 

And then I stepped in to the door that separated me from meeting Tun.

It was funny how I didn’t feel a sense of fear at all – rather just a sense that maybe this was destiny and that somehow or another, the fates had decided that this was to be my lot:

And so I stepped in and there I saw an office that I’d only seen on Google – the gigantic table hidden behind a gorgeous wooden screen and a sitting area clearly meant for entertaining diplomats, high level guests, potentially members of royalty along the way; as I walked past the screen, there I saw it all. The gigantic Quran that lay unfolded at the back. The backlighting of the entire place tastefully brought together. 3D printed Darth Vader helmets and a Stormtrooper helmet; trinkets from Japan… And eventually, as my eyes moved around the scene, there I saw the person whom I was meant to meet: 

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. 

There was the person that I’d only seen on television or known through the newspapers. Physically and in the flesh. 

At that point, I realized something strange – I was oddly calm. In fact, I wasn’t sure of only exactly one thing – What language I would speak to him first. 

As I gazed at the man, I extended my hand and said, “Selamat sejahtera, Tun.” 

Somehow, I had decided that it was Malay, although we immediately continued in English. 

If you’ve ever seen any of my videos, you’ll notice that what I tend to do is place a camera at the far end of a table, and then film people using the wide angle and then point a long focal length lens at them and then that makes up the entire video.

But it was then only that I saw the enormity of Dr. Mahathir’s table. I looked at it and the thing was immense. Probably five regular-sized tables, one after another, forming a U-shape in all directions with all kinds of different paraphernalia all over it, terminating only in the far corners, even as it accommodated what seemed to be infinite space.

The next couple of minutes was spent setting up and thinking about logistics, as Dr. M told me about some fascinating things like his Japan obsession, the 3D printed Darth Vader helmet, and everything in between…

…And then we began to speak.

How do you even describe a conversation like that?

A conversation where you’re sitting with someone who has led an entire country?

A chat where you think that the person who was speaking with you had the willpower to push millions of people forward in the course of a national project?

Oddly enough, for me… I’d describe it as ‘calm’, if I think about it, is kind of a strange thing to say, because one thing I never noticed is that Mahathir’s eyes are truly, in case you’ve never looked at them closely, objectively quite terrifying. 

I say terrifying in the sense that, if you look at his eyes, it appears that there is a sort of life force inside them, a vitality, a struggle to push forward which is large enough to encapsulate an entire nation. 

Looking at the man, I could see that his willpower was truly incredible, that somehow within those eyes there was a spirit so large that it could overpower dragons, conquerors, and everything in between – possibly even a demon king – even at the age of 99. These are the eyes of the the man who became the Prime Minister of Malaysia twice and was elected as the world’s oldest head of state.

Yet I was calm. 

I don’t know why, the words just arrived. They came out of me, second by second and minute by minute, as I just pondered the questions that had come about on my mind. 

If I were to describe it again, I guess I would call it a state of flow, the sort of thing that comes about when somebody is truly in their element, ready for every single challenge that may come along the way, even as I listened carefully to Tun and all the things that he shared along the way – one of the few people who could. 

How fascinating to realize that probably the most nervous person of all in that room was Tun’s assistant, Adam, who had ushered me in with a cautious look on his face, seemingly nervous at what was to come. 

A video will come up soon, in which Tun M and I will speak about affirmative action, the Malays in Malaysian society, Israel-Palestine, and the crucial question of education in our society. 

Thank you for the incredible conversation, Tun Mahathir. It was and always will remain one of my dearest memories!

It’s going to be a fun one! 🤩