Today was a chaotic day for many reasons, including many hours spent trying to fit in an expensive router that I realise doesn’t even offer any additional benefit relative to my previous mesh system, realizing that I had to purchase an expensive Apple TV for my house to serve as a HomeKit hub…
But for what it’s worth, the Korean exam went well!
I had very little time to do it during the course of the day partly because of work, a cello lesson, and the whole router fracas, but managed to get to it at the end of the day.
Honestly it was not easy and the studying was pretty rough, and there were some parts where it just seemed like a series of logical twists rather than an actual exam…
Thankfully there were no questions that were actually like that 😂
Anyway… The score!
That’s a 73/100 since the graded MCQs account for 80 points, and 20 additional points come from the writing section (which has yet to be scored) – the passing score is 60 out of 100; I guess I pass!
Very tired, but very happy with the result – here’s to many more good things in days ahead, I guess!