
This week’s started out pretty interestingly – I’ve decided to set out on a new business amid the constant push inside me to start yet another ChatGPT course, mainly because I think it’s important to start creating a legacy.

With that in mind, there is a small project that I’ll be creating for a subject that I’m pretty passionate about:

I started collaborating with a couple of teachers to make this happen, which has been pretty nice and interesting – I don’t know if this is going to make money and honestly it could end up losing me a pretty chunk of change, but I think it’s something valuable to do that I would do even if there wasn’t money involved in it; think of it as a chance to go through the process of skills transfer or something else of that nature right there – an opportunity to create something that’s actually valuable for the community and that people will think of with a sense of joy.

I think frequently about the idea of transgenerational change and about the things that we’re passing down, and as time goes by, I increasingly see the importance of somehow making preparations to make it happen.

When I think about it, I’m not too clear about what I’ve managed to pass down so far as a heritage to the next generation, but I know for sure that I’d like to leave a deeper mark in the lives of people in this short time that we have on Earth.

This is my small attempt to do so – look forward to it!

Epic week

It’s been a very tiring week, but a very rewarding one as well.

Spoke at a conference yes, and now that’s in the past – what did it leave behind? A whole ton of new connections, memories, friends, and a ton of gratitude for people like Daniel, Richard, the mentors that’ve come by, the people who’ve shared knowledge with me, and the people whom I will work with as well.

It feels strange that this is the kind of thing that I’ve been missing out on for a while, but it also feels deeply like it was timely – a period of coincidences whereby things have just started to align with each other along a pattern that I can’t fully say that I understand but that perhaps Johann (hi if you’re there) might call “Manufactured Serendipity”.

It looks like a lot of great things have been happening to the people around me, and I’m pretty glad for that – also, maybe the sample space is skewed, but I’ve met some really great people who as it turns out are pretty down to earth and chilled out in many different ways that I’ve to learn more in days ahead, but that also carry fires within that I realize that I wouldn’t have seen if I’d maintained the facades and the lack of humility that characterized my earlier days.

When I look to the sky and to the world, I see how much more there is to learn – how infinite the seeming expanse before me.

The time is not infinite – far from it; it is quite limited, and I am but a single human unable to absorb it all.

But I will keep on trying, looking forward to what the world will bring – knowing fully well that it has brought good, and that it will continue to do so. This was truly a life-changing week, and just know that if you saw me and you met me this week, just know that you’re all some of the many reasons that I felt inspired this week by the sheer wave of talent and inspiration that constantly surrounds me 🙂

Thank you for being there and following my journey, and I’ll look forward to bringing you more in the days ahead!