The new site design!

I’m SUPER happy with the design of this website, which I created with the help of an incredible new friend (who lives in Bangladesh; thanks Imran!) – There’s also a fun story behind this that I couldn’t make up even if I had wanted to.

You might notice that the design of this website looks kind of similar to that of Austin Kleon’s website, and that’s no coincidence – I thought that the site looked fire, which is why I decided to implement the way that it looked.

Is it ironic that I’m ‘stealing’ a design from a guy who became famous for writing the book “Steal Like An Artist”?

I mean, I do have a physical copy of that in my bedroom, so on one note, perhaps I paid the tuition fee for entry, and on the second note, perhaps I’m one of those rare people who’s actually following the man’s sage advice and indeed, stealing like an artist while adding little flourishes here and there as I build my next steps.

Also, Chapter 3 of heartbeat(); is out – go have a read!


A while ago, I started writing on WattPad, and that’s something that I’ll want to do in the days ahead as I get more into the momentum of writing!
I present to you… heartbeat();, a little series that I’ve decided to create about AI and machine learning and their philosophical and social implications in the world; it follows the tale of Dr. Eva Chen, a researcher at the organization FutureMind (inspired by OpenAI, tbh)

I’m very excited for this project and for you to share it with me as we move along on this journey!

Check it out here 🙂 (There are some hiccups with links on my blog posts for now and you may need to copy and paste):

Writing, Wix, and a few other things.

I’m finally here after a long bit of run-around and going left and right and ending up nowhere in particular, which is kind of a perfect metaphor for the authorial journey I’ve come and gone about for for the longest time – but finally we’re here!

It’s been a bit of suffering to get here to this particular theme, sifting through the freelancer sands that are Fiverr and navigating through the dystopia that is Wix, but I’m glad that I’ve finally arrived at something that looks a little bit more pretty than what I had before right there.

I hope to share a lot more about writing here, both my own as well as ways to make it good/better; thanks for joining me on this journey, and you’ll see lots more of me here soon!