I’m not sure exactly how things happened the way that they have happened, but it looks like I’ve gotten into the world of corporate training. It all started with a top that I did at the Asia School of Business in April, where I talked about the future of AI alongside several distinguished panelists…
And before I knew it, after having somehow captivated the audience in a ChatGPT and Midjourney demonstration, I had joined Iconic Training’s Train The Trainer program and delivered a first corporate training to 250 employees of Top Glove Corporation over the course of the week.

It was an insane opportunity to me at the time, and it still is an insane opportunity now – didn’t think that at some point, I’d start getting engaged to speak to some of the largest companies in Malaysia right at the outset, even before getting formally certified…
But that was then, and now I’ve completed the Train The Trainer certification with some of these lovely people 🙂

Not all of this was easy – much of it involved a long and winding journey the end of which is nowhere close in sight, and one that involved animal spirits, fears, an unfortunate betrayal involving the administrator of a rather large group dedicated to ChatGPT, and the realization that at the end of the day, we just have to do what we have to do to accomplish what we wish to accomplish.
Anyway, I’m not particularly concerned; things have been going well in accordance with some pattern I don’t quite understand at the moment, in ways that make me want to write and to wander a little bit more as I move forward in this journey, pondering the journey forward.
Thank you to everyone who’s supported me along the course of my journey, and everyone who shall support me forthwith 🙂
I won’t let you down!