Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how time is finite.
The moments that we have on earth, the memories that we have, the seconds that flow by… Everything is finite.
You think that the moments will roll and everything will come and go infinitely – but it’s not true; all of it is part of a set of flowing sands flowing through glass crevices into a pile that lies down below, and whether we like it or not, these moments will one day all fade away as we hit inescapable limits, bound by biology, time, and energy.
We have all the reason to make every minute worth it.
Every ounce of energy earn something.
Every part of our minds, our cognitions, our planning yield some sort of meaningful and measurable benefit to our happiness, our joy, our wallets, and everything in between.
As the year comes to an end, it’s strange to see – my energy has multiplied, my peace has come closer, and I am moving forward faster than I ever have, with so little compunction or fear that it’s interesting to watch someone who seems to be of a different body and mind than the person who had been here before.
There are many good things that I feel about who I am and who I will become, and I look forward to seeing where things will go 🙂